Tickle-Matic 3000

How a Bonus Helped To Sell “The Tickle-Matic 3000”

In the land of Whimsyville dwelt a shrewd merchant named “Merrick the Magnificent.”
He was famous for his emporium, filled with many wonders where anyone could buy happiness with just a smile.

One sunny morning, he gazed at a peculiar-looking machine on the highest shelf in his store, an extraordinary contraption called the “Tickle-Matic 3000.” It was a strange device designed to deliver tickles via feathers to anyone within a ten-foot radius.

Merrick decided to cheer everyone up by selling one of the machines to as many inhabitants of Whimsyville as possible. However, there was a problem—the “Tickle-Matic 3000” was priced just above the average person’s budget.

But Merrick was no ordinary merchant; he knew the way to hearts was through laughter, so he conjured a plan.
“What say you, we offer a merry bonus to entice them into a delightful purchase?” he asked his assistant, Jasper.
Jasper’s eyes twinkled with curiosity, “What type of bonus”? He enquired.
“Well, Jasper, for every purchase of the Tickle-Matic 3000, we shall gift the buyer a free ticket to the Great Giggle Gala!” answered Merrick.

The Great Giggle Gala was a legendary event held annually in Whimsyville—a night of raucous laughter, delightful jests, and side-splitting comedy performances that tickled the heart.
“But, Merrick,” Jasper inquired, “How will the Great Giggle Gala help us sell the Tickle-Matic 3000?”
The wise Merrick had an instant answer. “Jasper, imagine this—when folks hear of the pure enchantment awaiting them at the Gala, they will yearn to join in. And what better way to experience the full hilarity of the Gala than with their very own Tickle-Matic 3000, spreading laughter wherever they go?”

Jasper’s eyes widened, and a knowing smile spread across his face. He clasped his hands with delight, realizing the sheer brilliance of Merrick’s plan. “Oh, Merrick, you are a genius! If we do that, the Tickle-Matic 3000 will fly off the shelves, and the whole of Whimsyville will echo with laughter!”

Learn from Merrick The Magnificent!  Include a bonus with all your affiliate promotions and increase your sales and commissions too. Don’t worry about what to offer as your bonus…
Tony Newton has just released a stack of 5 different bonuses you can use for yourself that have already been PROVEN to work. Just pick one (or several) bonuses, upload the done-for-you bonus pages and send your traffic to those pages, simple!
Go and check out Tony’s offer here: https://clkc.biz/ProvenBonusesToUseAsYourOwn/

(Of course, I’m obviously including a bonus too!
A complimentary copy of my eBook:
“ChatGPT… Harness the power of AI for SMARTER Online Marketing” will be waiting for you in your product access area)

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